Vision Applications & Solutions to
Biased or Scarce Data


In Conjunction with Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence Conferences



With recent surge in data-driven methods, the issues of biased and scarce data is quickly becoming a major roadblock in developing generalizable and scalable computer vision solutions, as well as effective deployment of these solutions in real-world scenarios. To address these challenges, researchers from both academia and industry must come together and make advancements in fundamental research and applied technologies. The organizing committee, program committee, and keynote speakers of VASBSD consist of experts from both academia and industry with rich experiences in designing and developing robust computer vision (CV), machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and transitioning these technologies into real-world solutions. VASBSD provides a unique platform for researchers to better understand and tackle the biased and scarce data problems in CV, ML, and AI.


In Conjunction with the Following Conferences