Vision Applications & Solutions to
Biased or Scarce Data


In Conjunction with IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2020

March 5, 2020; the Salon A at the Westin Snowmass Resort, Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA

About VASBSD 2020

About VASBSD 2020

With recent surge in data-driven methods, the issues of biased and scarce data is quickly becoming a major roadblock in developing generalizable and scalable computer vision solutions, as well as effective deployment of these solutions in real-world scenarios. To address these challenges, researchers from both academia and industry must come together and make advancements in fundamental research and applied technologies. The organizing committee and keynote speakers of VASBSD 2020 consist of experts from both academia and industry with rich experiences in designing and developing robust computer vision algorithms and transitioning computer vision technologies into real-world solutions. VASBSD 2020 provides a unique platform for computer vision researchers to better understand and tackle the biased and scarce data problems in computer vision.


The Salon A at the Westin Snowmass Resort, Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA


09:10 AM - 04:10 PM
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Keynote Speakers

Vishal M. Patel

Vishal M. Patel

John Hopkins University

Walter J. Scheirer

Walter J. Scheirer

University of Notre Dame

Yang Wang

Yang Wang

University of Manitoba

Fatih Porikli

Fatih Porikli

Australian National University

Boqing Gong

Boqing Gong


Piotr Koniusz

Piotr Koniusz

Australian National University

VASBSD 2020 Schedule

Ziming Zhang

Opening Remarks Ziming Zhang

Vishal Patel

Keynote Vishal M. Patel

Synthetic to Real Transfer Learning for Single Image Deraining

Coffee Break

Boqing Gong

Keynote Boqing Gong

Rethinking Class-Balanced Methods for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition from A Domain Adaptation Perspective

Yang Wang

Keynote Yang Wang

Learning Video Summarization with Limited Data

Lunch Break

Walter J. Scheirer

Keynote Walter J. Scheirer

Visual Psychophysics for Making Face Recognition Algorithms More Explainable

Fatih Porikli

Keynote Fatih Porikli

When Data Dictates the Problem

Coffee Break

Fatih Porikli

Keynote Fatih Porikli on behalf of Piotr Koniusz

Statistical Representations for Domain Adaptation and Few-shot Learning

Ziming Zhang

Closing Remarks Ziming Zhang

VASBSD 2020 Venue

The Salon A at the Westin Snowmass Resort, Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA

VASBSD 2020 will be held at the Salon A at the Westin Snowmass Resort in Snowmass Village, Colorado on Thursday, March 5, 2020.


Kuan-Chuan Peng

Kuan-Chuan Peng

Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)

Ziming Zhang

Ziming Zhang

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)