About VASBSD 2021
With the increasing appetite for data in data-driven methods, the issues of biased and scarce data have become a major bottleneck in developing generalizable and scalable computer vision solutions, as well as effective deployment of these solutions in real-world scenarios. To tackle these challenges, researchers from both academia and industry must collaborate and make progress in fundamental research and applied technologies. The organizing committee and keynote speakers of VASBSD 2021 consist of experts from both academia and industry with rich experiences in designing and developing robust computer vision algorithms and tranfering them to real-world solutions. Following the tradition of VASBSD 2020, VASBSD 2021 provides a focused venue to discuss and disseminate research related to bias and scarcity topics in computer vision.
Virtual Workshop (attend via Zoom)
08:50 AM - 05:20 PM PST
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Keynote Speakers

Andrew D. Bagdanov
University of Florence

Ehsan Elhamifar
Northeastern University

Mehrtash Harandi
Monash University

Gim Hee Lee
National University of Singapore

Xiaodan Liang
Sun Yat-sen University

Cees G. M. Snoek
University of Amsterdam

Zhangyang (Atlas) Wang
University of Texas at Austin

Junsong Yuan
University at Buffalo, State University of New York
VASBSD 2021 Schedule (in PST)
Attend via Zoom

Opening Remarks Kuan-Chuan Peng

Keynote Andrew D. Bagdanov
Self-supervised Learning: Getting More for Less out of Your CNNs
[Talk Video]
Coffee Break

Keynote Ehsan Elhamifar
Recognizing More Labels with No Samples: Fine-Grained and Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
[Talk Video]
Lunch Break

[Canceled] Keynote Mehrtash Harandi
Poincaré Kernels for Hyperbolic Representations
Coffee Break

[Canceled] Keynote Xiaodan Liang
Towards Efficient and Transferrable Network Architecture Search for Visual Recognition

Closing Remarks Kuan-Chuan Peng
VASBSD 2021 Venue

Virtual Workshop
VASBSD 2021 will be held virtually on Zoom during 08:50 AM - 05:20 PM PST on Saturday, January 9, 2021.

Kuan-Chuan Peng
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)

Ziming Zhang
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)